Sunday, March 14, 2010

Wow what a couple of days

What a crazy week. It is 11:38 PM and we just got back from the hospital. Our 14 month old, Remington has pneumonia and we have probably had 6 hours of sleep in two days. There have been times when he stops breathing completely, and that is just scary. Viv and I are so tired.
He is on the meds and all that so hopefully we will start seeing a change in his condition in the next couple of days.
This week is also a big week for me as I have two very huge job interviews. I have passed all the preliminary rounds, and am now headed for the big ones. One of the positions would be an incredible opportunity for us and I am having to do so much prep work. After being out of the job for so long I really need one of these positions to happen. We will see!
I will keep ya'll updated.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

If you want to see the Oprah clip

Hi Everyone

Well, welcome to my blog. This is only my second class at BU but one I have definitely wanted to try my hand at. I am working on the Marketing Management Program and ideally would like to apply what I learn towards my dream job. I am currently working on starting an independent production company called Solar Light Films. It has been my dream to make movies for a long time and being able to put real work into making this happen is awesome. However, until it comes time to do that full time I work as a Trainer. CORRECTION. I worked as a trainer. I was part of the many hundreds of thousands that got laid off. That was in September. Fortunately opportunities are coming up and interviews are happening. I do hope to start working again during this class.
I am a 28 year old veteran who served in Iraq during the initial invasion and stayed for another year doing work as a civil affairs specialist. It was in this most unlikely place that I met my wife, Vivian, a Kurdish Christian Iraqi. We had a very interesting love story that culminated in me having to get her out of the country before terrorists killed her and her family. We were married and our story garnered some media attention around the world. We ended up appearing in Glamour Magazine, and then on Valentine's Day 2006 we were asked to be on the Oprah Winfrey show with Garth Brooks.
Since then we have had two boys; Ethan who will be three in May, and Remington who is 14 months old. Days are crazy and stressful but good. We are currently living in San Diego and our winter was nothing to complain about.
I am all about networking so I would love to make the connection with any of you who happen to have LinkedIn accounts.
I look forward to working with all of you.

- Rob